
Registration fee: 5€
Course fee: 30€  

Course Dates









Latvian, English and Russian


What is the Roots Discipleship Course?


ROOTS is a discipleship course designed to equip Christians who have full-time occupations such as work, school, parenting, etc. so that they can root their faith deeper and deeper in knowing who God is and thereby live out their calling in God’s world. This is a 12-week course that includes lectures on different topics taught by people from different countries. You will have opportunities to experience not only lectures but also a supportive community, worship and intercession. Together we want to be rooted in knowing God, and together we want to make him known


Why Roots?


Roots started in Riga in 2017. The vision was to see a course where people from different churches and different languages would come together to be trained, equipped, and rooted in God’s word, and learn to understand His world and our place in it.

The name Roots is based on the belief tree: an image that describes the direct link between the roots, what we believe, and the fruit, our actions. We need to know what we believe and why, as well as what we do not believe in. In the believe tree illustration the soil represents our worldview. The roots represent our foundational beliefs, the trunk represents our values and branches represent our principle-based decisions and policies, and the fruit represents our actions.

The Roots Discipleship Course aims to help Christians root their beliefs in a Biblical Worldview by understanding where the the beliefs come from and the impact our actions can have on other people’s lives.

But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

Matthew 13:23

Weekly Topics

Missions & Cross -cultural understanding
The Nature and Character of God
The Person & Work of Jesus
Worship and Intercession
The Father Heart of God
Hearing God’s voice

God’s Big Story & Biblical overview
The Person & Work of Jesus
Cross & mercy of God
Healthy relationships
Biblic World View
Nature of God
The Holy Spirit

Have any questions or want to apply? Contact us!

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