Kas ir KMS?
KMS ir intensīvs kurss, kas sākas ar 12 nedēļas ilgu lekciju daļu, pēc kuras ir 8 – 12 nedēļas ilga prakse. KMS mērķis ir veicināt Tavu personīgo rakstura izaugsmi, palīdzēt Tev veidot ciešākas attiecības ar Dievu un atpazīt savas unikālās dāvanas un dzīves aicinājumu. Šajā skolā uzsvars tiek likts uz starpkultūru pieredzi un izpratni par pasauli, tādējādi sagatavojoties izpildīt Kristus Lielo pavēli.
What Does DTS Look Like?
Lectures phase, discussion groups, worship, intercession, mentor times, homework assignments, ministry opportunities and much more. You will learn more about God and His world. You’ll learn not only from lectures but also from community living and practical training.
Outreach phase focuses on applying what you learned in the classroom trought an intense cross-cultural experience. Over the last few years we’ve been sending outreach teams to Georgia, Armenia, Albania, India and Thailand.
DTS is for:
• Anyone! • Those looking for a gap year before University. •Those who want to take time out to pursue God. • Those who serve in their local church or other ministries. • Those looking to prepare for long term mission abroad. • Professionals who want to be salt & light in the workplace.
Some of the DTS topics:
- Hearing God’s Voice
- Nature & Character of God
- Identity in Christ
- Father Heart of God
- Relationships
- Fear of the Lord / Lordship
- Worldview and Shapes of Society
- Missions and Evangelism
- Unity & Team Building
- Inductive Bible Study
- God’s Destiny and Purpose
- The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
3 March – 24 August
Registration: 50€
Lecture phase: 2.740€
Outreach phase:1,800-2000€*
*Depends on location
English, translation to other languages depending on need.
Costs covers lectures, outreach, housing, and food. Costs do not include transport to DTS